Adding New Library to LTspice

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This time I will show you how to add a new component model into LTspice library with only a few steps.

First, download the spice files from the website. Then extract the downloaded file. There should be two types of files inside which are the symbol file (*.asy) and the library file (*.lib).

Next, open the LTspice software and click the add component button. On the top side there is a column of “Top Directory”, this is the directory of the library that currently being used. We will copy the new libraries to this directory.

The location of the library

Next, copy the symbol files to the location of LTspice library, by default it should be on the \Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sym.

After that, copy the library files to the location of the LTspice library, by default it should be on the \Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sub.

Finally, we have to close and re-open the LTspice software to update the library files. Now if we look at the component list on our library we can see the component model that we just added.


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