I got an old HP 1902 monitor from someone for free and I have been using it for about three months until one day the screen turned black and didn’t display anything.
I first checked the LED power indicator and then the VGA cable. Everything was fine no defect. Then I immediately suspected the backlight issue because, when I turned off the monitor and turned it on again I saw the picture for a second on the monitor.
without further ado, I opened the monitor to check the power supply, and then I found that some electrolytic capacitors were bulged on the top while the rest capacitors looked fine without any sign of defect or bulge.
The next thing was changing the bulge capacitors with the new one. Finally, my monitor was back to normal. The hardest part of this fix was opening the back cover of the monitor, I had to do it carefully so as not to break or even crack it.
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