The picture above is the 3D model of a synchronous buck converter I designed. There are some considerations on this PCB layout to make a proper layout.
- Considering the current loops on this circuit then group each component based on this.
- Place the high di/dt components as close as possible to each other.
- Make a separate ground for the high-switching loop, controller IC and power input.
- Since this PCB uses four layers, the top side is used to place the power components, the second layer is used as the GND plane, the third layer is used to route the feedback and control signal, and the bottom layer will be used to place the gate driver IC.
- Try to make the feedback loop as short as possible.
The picture above shows the schematic of a synchronous buck converter. The controller IC used on this circuit is MAX15046 from Maxim Integrated.
The picture above shows the routing on the top side using polygons. On this side, all of the power components are placed and routed. Lots of vias are used to make good contact between two different layers.
The picture above shows the bottom side of the PCB where the gate driver IC and some other components are placed. Besides being used as a routing layer for the gate driver IC, the polygon pour is used as the plane for the +V input.
The grounding for the components on this side is done by using one via per component. The vias are placed close to the component themself.
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