Embedding the PID Controller into STM32 MCU via PLECS Standalone
In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to upload the PID controller block into STM32 F303RE microcontroller by using PLECS software. Previously,…
Using MATLAB to Design the PID Controller for Buck Converter
In this tutorial, I will show you how to design a PID controller on Buck converter. MATLAB and PLECS blockset will be used for this…
Embedding the PLECS Schematic into MCU using STM32CubeIDE
We can generate the programming code out of the PLECS schematic and then upload it into STM32-F303RE microcontroller by using STM32CubeIDE. This is the video…
Adding New Library to LTspice
This is the link to the video of this article. This time I will show you how to add a new component model into LTspice…
Adding a 3D Model to the Autodesk Fusion 360 Library
This is the link for the video of this tutorial. The first step is preparing the 3D model files and the footprint of the component.…
Adding a Logo to the PCB Layout on Autodesk Eagle
This is the link to the video of this tutorial. Sometimes we need to put a logo into our PCB layout to make it more…